Primary Treatment Methods for Suspended Solids In Wastewater

Primary Treatment Methods for Suspended Solids

Primary treatment methods for suspended solids in wastewater can seem like a daunting task.

Indeed, when it comes to managing and treating wastewater, one of the biggest hurdle often is…

The primary treatment of suspended solids in wastewater.

This is what separates an average water management system from a sustainable one. However, if you don’t know how to effectively remove these solids, your entire wastewater process could be compromised.

Tackling this issue is not an easy task..

Consider the case of one water plant manager who shared that as soon as they implemented a new method.. their efficiency plummeted instead of improving.

Now he’s hesitant about trying another approach, fearing more failures or inefficiencies.

No wonder!

Table of Contents:

The Importance of Primary Treatment in Wastewater Management

Primary treatment is a cornerstone step in managing wastewater. It’s designed to eliminate materials that either float or settle out by gravity, such as floating debris and suspended solids.

This process not only paves the way for more efficient subsequent treatments but also contributes significantly towards environmental sustainability efforts. By tackling large amounts of pollutants early on, primary treatment reduces strain on secondary biological treatment processes and lessens potential damage to aquatic ecosystems from untreated wastewater discharges.

Industry reports suggest well-executed primary treatment can remove up to 60% of suspended solids from wastewater – an impressive figure which underscores its importance. However, these numbers could fluctuate based on variables like flow rate and unique characteristics that are inherent to the source of wastewater.

Beyond this, successful removal of solid waste during this phase brings down operational costs associated with sludge handling later in the wastewater treatment process. Therefore, effective primary treatment is a critical component within any comprehensive wastewater management strategy, both economically and environmentally speaking.

Understanding the Primary Treatment Process

The primary treatment process in wastewater management is not as complex as it might seem. However, it is a crucial stage that helps initially remove suspended solids, BOD, COD, and other contaminants from water, preparing it for further secondary treatment.

Screening and Comminution

The first step of this journey is screening. This involves using screens made up of long, closely spaced metal bars to block floating debris like wood or rags that could disrupt subsequent treatment stages.

Comminution follows right after screening where larger materials are broken down into smaller particles for easier handling downstream. This not only reduces potential damage to equipment later on but also increases overall efficiency during the wastewater treatment process.

Grit Removal

In grit removal chambers, water flow slows down significantly allowing heavier solids like sand, coffee grounds or similar particles to settle out at the bottom – effectively separating these denser substances from lighter organic material which can interfere with biological processes during secondary treatment if left unaddressed.


Moving forward we reach sedimentation tanks or otherwise known as primary clarification; another vital component of the wastewater treatment process operations. Here suspended solids gradually sink due to gravity forming ‘primary sludge’ while clarified liquid remains above ready for next-stage processing.

Primary sedimentation plays an instrumental role by removing between 50-70% of all incoming biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), up to 60% total suspended solids (TSS) and around 65% phosphorus. These reductions are enhanced by flocculants and coagulants such as Zeoturb liquid bio-organic flocculant. Using these solutions enhance soperational efficiencies within any domestic or industrial wastewater treatment plant operation.

In essence, understanding each step involved in primary treatment sets us on a path towards better managing our precious resource: Water.

Secondary Treatment – Beyond Primary Measures

Secondary treatment of wastewater is a pivotal stage that deals with the biological remediation of soluble organic matter escaping primary treatment. This step further refines water quality by eliminating additional contaminants including biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand, and ammonia nitrogen among others.

Trickling Filter Method

In the trickling filter method, a tank filled with stones or plastic media forms an ideal environment for bacteria to grow into biofilms. As wastewater filters through this setup, these bacteria absorb dissolved organics and convert them into biomass and gases like carbon dioxide and nitrogen. This process is similar to how businesses are converting traditional practices into sustainable ones in today’s world.

Activated Sludge Process

Moving on from passive processes like trickling filters, we have another conventional wastewater process called the activated sludge process (ASP). This process is an active system involving mechanical mixing and aeration fostering microbial growth. New innovative adaptions to the conventional activated sludge process include GWT Biostik microbiological technology. This technology utilizes specialized non toxic bacterial blends impregnated onto a ceramic stick using a small 50-60 watts air diffuser to activate the bacterial blend to effectively degrade wastewater contaminants in the aeration basin.

Oxidation Pond Method

Our natural warrior, the oxidation pond method. which treats small sewage flows using sunlight, algae, aerobic bacteria: nature’s own task force. While its pace might be slower than other methods due to its reliance on environmental conditions, it aligns perfectly well with sustainability goals as it minimizes energy consumption while maximizing pollutant removal efficiency for locations with plenty of low cost land available.

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) Method

Lastly, the moving bed biofilm reactors utilize flexible media carriers to biologically treat the wastewater in secondary treatment. These carriers are kept in suspension in the aeration basins and develop layers of biofilms which degrade organic contaminants efficiently and effectively with short hydraulic retention periods without requirements for sludge recirculation.

Exploring Zeoturb Liquid Bio Organic Flocculant

The world of wastewater treatment is evolving, and one innovation making waves in the industry is the use of organic flocculants. These products are changing how we approach water purification by providing an efficient natural method for removing suspended solids as well as BOD, COD and other contaminants.

A standout product in this category is Zeoturb liquid bio organic flocculant. This sustainable and eco-friendly solution not only enhances primary and secondary clarification effectiveness but also aligns with sustainability goals. This is a key consideration as organizations strive to reduce their environmental impact.

How Does It Work?

Zeoturb operates on four basic principles revolving around charge neutralization. The negatively charged particles dispersed throughout our water sources find themselves bound together when introduced to positively charged Zeoturb, forming larger aggregates known as flocs.

This process makes it easier to separate these now-larger entities from the rest of the water through effective clarification and filtration methods. In other words, they’re more manageable due to increased size and weight – a crucial advantage when dealing with large volumes of wastewater.

An Eco-Friendly Solution

Beyond its functional benefits lies another critical aspect: Zeoturb’s green credentials. As opposed to synthetic chemicals often used in conventional treatments that can leave harmful residuals behind, this natural-based alternative reduces potential damage caused after treatments are complete.

  1. Sustainability Goals Alignment:

Incorporating environmentally friendly alternatives such as Zeoturb into existing strategies helps protect ecosystems while contributing towards broader sustainable development objectives like those outlined by global initiatives including United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  1. Holistically Responsible Resource Management:

Moving forward with innovative solutions like Zeoturb represents responsible resource management at its best. Working smarter rather than harder using tools provided naturally within our environment instead of relying solely on man-made interventions which may have unintended consequences down the line.

Primary Treatment Methods for Suspended Solids in Wastewater

Explore the crucial role of primary treatment methods for suspended solids in wastewater.

Learn about key processes and future trends in water management.

The Future of Wastewater Treatment

Looking ahead, the landscape of wastewater treatment is set for substantial changes. The field is primed with potential for innovative solutions that boost efficiency while optimizing environmental footprint.

Digital technology in water management systems represents another such promising innovation. By offering real-time data analysis and predictive maintenance capabilities through machine learning algorithms, these digital tools enable plant managers to make swift and informed decisions leading to increased operational efficiencies.

Nexus Approach: Water-Energy-Food

A key trend shaping future strategies is the Nexus approach which addresses the inter-dependencies between water, energy, and food sectors (Water Energy Food Nexus). This integrated planning strategy optimizes resource use across all three sectors resulting in superior sustainability outcomes across the world.

This shift from traditional linear models towards circular ones views waste as a valuable input rather than an output requiring disposal. For instance, sludge solids can be used to for soil amendments and biogas produced during anaerobic digestion can be utilized as an energy source instead of being discarded. This demonstrates how sustainable and innovative advancements within the wastewater treatment sector are feasible and moving forward.

FAQs in Relation to Primary Treatment Methods for Suspended Solids in Wastewater

What is the treatment method for suspended solids?

The primary treatment methods include screening, comminution, grit removal, and sedimentation/clarification. Secondary treatments involve biological processes like trickling filter, activated sludge process, oxidation ponds and moving bed bioreactors.

What are the methods of removing suspended solids from wastewater?

Suspended solids in wastewater can be removed through primary treatment techniques such as screening to block debris and sedimentation/clarification tanks to allow settling of particles. Advanced methods use innovative Zeoturb liquid bio organic flocculant for efficient coagulation-flocculation treatment processes.

What are the primary treatment methods of wastewater?

The main steps in primary wastewater treatment include blocking floating debris with screens (screening), breaking down larger objects into smaller ones (comminution), allowing heavy particles to settle out (grit removal), and using sedimentation/clarification tanks for further efficient solid separation.

How do you treat suspended solids in water?

Treatment involves a combination of physical processes including screening, grit removal, and sedimentation during the initial stages. Further advanced procedures may employ biological, enzymatic, physical or chemical treatments depending on residual contaminants present.


Understanding the primary treatment methods for suspended solids in wastewater is crucial to effective and efficient water management.

The process involves screening, comminution, grit removal, and sedimentation/clarification – all working together to improve water quality. Effectively done, power consumption can be optimized by up to 50% in secondary biological treatment.

These secondary treatments like the trickling filter method, activated sludge process, oxidation pond method and moving bed bioreactors further enhance this purification.

Innovative solutions such as Zeoturb liquid bio organic flocculant can significantly boost these processes by promoting coagulation-flocculation mechanisms that remove suspended solids among other contaminants more efficiently and effectively.

Sustainability is key. Reusing water treatment sludge presents a promising avenue towards resource conservation in line with global sustainability goals.

The future of wastewater treatment lies in innovations aimed at increasing efficiency while reducing environmental impact. Climate change considerations are paramount here too!

To learn more about sustainable water treatment technologies or need services tailored to your specific wastewater needs, consider Genesis Water Technologies, Inc. We specialize in providing innovative and sustainable solutions and services for you or your clients unique water treatment challenges. Visit our website today to explore how we can help you manage wastewater efficiently and sustainably.

Your contribution matters – join us on this journey towards cleaner waters. Reach out to our water and wastewater experts at Genesis Water Technologies. You can call us at +1 877 267 3699 or email us at